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Chris | He/They | 27 | Queer
UK | GMT | Casual gaming, gposing, housing, mare & RP
Discord: .mawaa
Light and Crystal DC based

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full name.Mara Sol
age.22(ARR) 23(Heavensward) 24/25(Stormblood), around 25/26 at the start of Shadowbringers, 27 at the start of Endwalker
sexual orientation.Bisexual with a preference for men
occupation.Adventurer, occasional world saver, currently a seamstress and interior designer, with a side gig as the owner of a nightclub.

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Best Quality: Her unfailing loyalty to those she cares for and her drive to carry on, despite everything.Worst Quality: She’s selfish, and she’s mean, and her own morals are, at the best of times, questionable.

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birthplace.Born in Namai, grew up in Revenants Toll
current home.Currently lives between her home in the Mist and Sharlayan
parents.Marietta Sol(Mother, deceased)
Aerven'a(Father, Alive)
siblings.Ozamir Sol (Adopted, Alive)
pets.A goose named Princess
likes.Mara enjoys music and dancing, both creating and experiencing, and enjoys dabbling in magic. She also likes Weird animals
dislikes.She dislikes bland food, has a particular dislike of ishgardian dishes. Has a strong dislike of apples.
hobbies.Fashion and interior design, she's a big fan of cute, frilly clothes.
skills.She’s skilled with her gunblade and with magic, she has a talent for anything fire related. Her non-battle related skills are cooking, sewing and botany
hair.Long, curly white hair with bright blue highlights at the ends, she keeps her hair extremely long usually and cuts it short when someone she cares for dies.
eyes.Bright magenta, very dreamy looking, almost glowing.
height.6 foot 9 inches, 7'5" in the platforms she always wears
build and appearance.Curvy and tall, with average length flopped ears and a downwards pointed bunny tail.
attire.She has a preference for revealing clothing, crop tops and shorts, as she does not get cold easily, and the tallest shoes she can find. She also enjoys flowy, light dresses.
personality.Friendly, social and with a mean streak a mile wide, she’s significantly softer with her friends and loyal to a fault . Relatively quiet and not a big talker, but enjoys listening. Scarily competent. Adores cute things, big fan of weird little creatures too.

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She gets crushes very easily but has trouble expressing those emotions and it takes a lot to prompt her to act on them
From a relatively better off family, father was a wealthy merchant, her mother was from a poorer , small village.
Her mother died when Mara and her brother were only a few years old, so they dont remember her well, but Mara is desperate to hold on to any small piece of info on her that she can get her hands on.
Her mother was killed when Garleans occupied the area.
Mara started the story with very long hair, she cut it extremely short after the death of someone she cared for a lot, at the end of Heavensward, as a form of mourning and remembrance. She follows this tradition with each death of someone close to her.
Mara is very anger/vengeance motivated, especially following Heavensward.

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full name.Cassius Noxt
age.28(ARR) 29(Heavensward) 29/30(Stormblood), around 31 at the start of Shadowbringers, 32 at Endwalker.
sexual orientation.Bisexual, no particular preference.
occupation.Information broker, bar owner

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Best Quality: Chatty, casual and flirty, she can hold a conversation with anyone and make them feel at home
Worst Quality: Sees no issue in associating with shadier crowds as long as she’s having fun, or causing issues for others as long as she herself isnt affected.

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birthplace.Born and grew up in Revenants Toll
current home.Currently resides in Ishgard, however a frequent enough visitor to Limsa Lominsa to also call it home
parents.Both deceased, Cassius grew up an orphan
pets.a small corn snake kept in a magic powered terrarium behind the bar.
likes.Cassie loves sweets and knowing others secrets.
dislikes.Dislikes overly salty food, cant stand too much heat in her food either.
hobbies.Modelling, swimming and sunbathing
skills.She’s fast and strong, Cassius enjoys running and can go quite far in short amounts of time. She is fairly talented in dancing, singing and cooking, and on the darker side of things, is a skilled manipulator.
faceclaim.Sydney Sweeney(specifically as Cassie in Euphoria)
hair.She uses potions and magic to lengthen her hair when she likes, her normal hairstyle is a short curly bob with full bangs, her next preferred hairstyle is long curly hair in two loose braids, coral pink coloured with lighter pink highlights throughout.
eyes.Coral pink, matches the highlights in her hair
height.6 foot 5 inches, she's a tall cat.
build and appearance.Strong muscle definition and curvy. She's tanned from days spent in the sun and has sharp teeth and claws, she has a short bushy tail and large fluffy ears.
attire.Cassius has a preference for shorts and just a plain tank top while working, but outside of that she prefers flowy, cute clothing with a princess vibe.
personality.Fun, flirty and open to anything, Cassius is chatty and friendly to everyone, with a good sense of humour and a sharp, sarcastic wit that can catch others off guard.

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Cassius runs a quiet bar that caters to more upscale clientele in Ishgard, this is where she does business as an information broker also.
She enjoys causing chaos and takes a very self centred "If it doesnt directly affect me, I dont care" approach to things at times.
Cassius and Mara grew up together, Cassius frequently looked after Mara and Ozza when their father had to travel for work, so the three are fairly close.
Cassius introduced Calliope to Mara and Ozza as well, having met the young au ra whilst on a trip to Gridania while learning to become a healer.
Cassius is very afraid of small, dark places.
Cassius cant actually read, she grew up an orphan with a rudimentary education from passing merchants who deigned to interact with her. She hides it very well and has enough blackmail on anyone who could find out about it that it's a fairly secure secret.
She's got an incredible memory, because she cannot write things down, it also makes her a very trustworthy information broker as she has no hard copies of her intel

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full name.Ozamir Sol, goes by Ozza or Oz
age.23(ARR) 24/25(Heavensward) 25/26(Stormblood), around 27 at the start of Shadowbringers, 28 at Endwalker.
gender.Nonbinary male
sexual orientation.Pansexual, no preference.
occupation.Merchant and Healer, he runs a clinic in revenants toll.
species.Elezen with draconic ancestry, often mistaken for an au ra lacking in scales, doesnt care enough to correct. may be partially voidsent?

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Best Quality: Quiet and loyal, you'll find no one more devoted than Ozza, once you've gained his trust.
Worst Quality: Very little actual interest in others, it takes a special kind to catch his attention truly and it's rarely for good reasons.

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birthplace.Born in Sharlayan, grew up in Revenants Toll
current home.Currently resides in Limsa Lominsa in an apartment, when not travelling
parents.Unknown(Mother, deceased)
Aerven'a(Adoptive Father, Alive)
siblings.Mara Sol (Adopted sister, Alive)
pets.A shiba by the name of Leaf
likes.Ozza enjoys reading and drawing, he enjoys spending time in libraries and warm quiet places.
dislikes.Ozza hates loud noises, as his ears are fairly sensitive to sounds. He dislikes crowded areas although he is talented at blending into a crowd and disappearing.
hobbies.Reading, art, he's a talented artist and prefers to use charcoal and pencils over paint due to the portability of the materials.
skills.Ozza is skilled with healing magic and with his words, he's witty and sharp and its no small point of pride for him that he does his father proud as a merchant, even if he does prefer to spend most of his time at his clinic in Revenants Toll.
hair.Ozza keeps his dark hair fairly long, he's admittedly a little vain about it as his face is usually covered by a mask, it's his defining feature. He keeps his hair up in a ponytail usually, but on occasion can be seen sporting a long, intricate braid down his back.
eyes.Heterochromic bright sapphire blue and a pale, almost white blue, with black schlera and large, blown out looking pupils, what little colour you can see almost looks like a ring of blue fire.
height.6 foot 9 inches
build and appearance.Lean, slim build with wider hips and strong legs, Ozza looks rather feminine and it tends to distract from the fact that he is very strong and speedy. Ozza also has a pair of back curved horns and a tail that closely resembles an Au Ra's, this is due to having Draconic ancestry in his bloodline.
attire.Ozza wears a plain black face covering over the lower half of his face, when his face isnt covered he'll have a large round pair of glasses on. Clothing-wise he prefers to err more on the feminine side of things, shorts and fishnets, platform boots and cropped hoodies, though he's not one for patterned clothing, preferring it to be plain materials.
personality.Chatty, helpful and flirty, at least on the outside. Ozza's actual personality is rather harsh and deadpan, he doesn't care a whole lot for others feelings and can be very blunt and curt. He does hide this side of him well.

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Ozza presents himself as a very upbeat, cheerful person with a flirty personality. This couldn't be further from the truth, however, as Ozza is in actuality fairly cold and quiet.
He does care how others view him, though, and considering the issues some have with his ancestry, he is very meticulous in making sure that others see him the way he wants to be percieved by them. Only a handful of people have experienced the real Ozza, he has to be very comfortable and trust them above all else to be able to let his guard down and the mask drop.
Ozza's tattoos are magical runes, they glow faintly in the dark and speed up his healing and movement.
Ozza's more dragon-esque features are due to his birth parents doing a little unethical experimenting whilst pregnant to attempt to bring out their draconic heritage more visibly.
He's a skilled healer as well and runs a clinic in revenants toll for adventurers passing through, as well as assisting where he can on his travels, Ozza does not discriminate who he heals, he's as likely to assist an injured Garlean as he is an Eorzean or anyone else.
He's very clinical and monotone when doing his job as a healer, focused on the task at hand more than anything.
Ozza enjoys wearing platform boots almost as much as his sisters.
He considers Cassius and Mara to both be his sisters.
Ozza and Calliope do not get along, she finds his lack of empathy and interest in others off-putting and a little frightening.
Mara and Ozza are very similar, at their base personalities, with some more than questionable morals that they both share.
Ozza will take this information to his grave, but Zenos offered more than once for the two of them to become partners, and were it not for his sister, Ozza would have accepted the offer the first time around.
Ozza's romantic interests lie with some fairly questionable people.
Kiva(another oc listed on here) is one of few people who have experienced Ozza's actual personality and Ozza is comfortable around him, they have occasional flings due to how close they are, but there is no romantic interest on either side.
Ozza is a skilled cook, both sweet and savoury, and he finds the process of creating dishes relaxing.
Ozza was found on the outskirts of Sharlayan as a toddler by a travelling merchant, who took him in and raised him with his daughter, Mara.

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full name.Calliope Nox, goes by Callie
age.24(ARR) 25(Heavensward) 26/27(Stormblood), around 27/28 at the start of Shadowbringers, 28 during Endwalker
gender.Nonbinary, femme presenting
sexual orientation.Pansexual, no preference.
occupation.Travelling writer, storyteller and bard, occasional adventurer
species.Au Ra | Siren

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Best Quality: Her strong belief in seeing the best in everyone and her kindness.
Worst Quality: She's very spacey and can be blind to the flaws of others and is slow to catch on when she’s being manipulated.

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birthplace.Thavnair, near Yedlihmad
current home.Currently lives in radz-at-han
parents.Parents unknown, raised communally within her small village
pets.an axolotl named Bubble
likes.Learning musical instruments, her harp, painting scenery, travelling and writing, she enjoys telling stories. Calliope also enjoys bright fashion, brightly coloured fabrics make her happy, she tells people.
dislikes.Calliope hates rough fabrics and boring, muted colours, she hates boring fashion and when a room is too quiet
hobbies.Dancing, painting and playing the harp, she also enjoys gardening and finds it very soothing, it's one of the few times she enjoys quiet. Calliope also loves to spend time in the water swimming.
skills.Calliope is a skilled botanist and gardener as well as a talented storyteller. She's also fairly adept at spearfishing, as a result of growing up in a fishing village.
crushes.Calliope tends not to get involved with romance easily, it takes a bit for her to develop crushes on anyone. That being said, she's had a crush on Aymeric and Lucia
hair.Calliope keeps her pale, almost white, blonde hair around mid length, usually tied up, she currently has curly, long hair mostly down, with some short pigtails at the top.
eyes.silvery blue, very pale eyes with darker rings around the edges and white stars in the centre
height.about 6ft
build and appearance.relatively tall with wide hips, she has a large white tail with fins, her scales are oddly ornate looking, spiraling patterns in white across her body and she has golden leaves tattooed all over her body along with some vines, made to blend in with her scales.
attire.Calliope prefers long dresses and floaty, light materials. If she's dressing more casual she dresses in bright colours and interesting new fashions.
personality.Very matter of fact and can be blunt at times, she doesnt tend to mince her words, as rare as those words may be, she's very quiet overall and seems lost in her own head at times. Confident when faced with trouble and other people, she has a good heart and wont hesitate to step in to help others or speak her mind.

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Calliope styles herself in a very angelic aesthetic, the wings and spikey halo are some cosmetic magics that she created herself.
She's a tiny bit light corrupted from her time on the First, and her aether remains permanently more skewed towards light than anything.
Calliope is a Siren, with a very enchanting voice, she doesnt tend to use this ability of hers, more for lack of use for it than anything else, but if she feels others arent listening well enough to her stories, she uses her voice to entice in a few extra listeners.
She feels more at home on the beach and in the water than any place else, coming from a fishing village, she's well adapted to being underwater for long amounts of time and is particularly fast.
Calliope, while kind and with a strong sense of fairness, can be fairly brutal and cutthroat when convinced she’s doing the right thing.
She left the village at 17 years old to travel out of Thavnair and discover new things, she ended up finding a travelling merchant passing through who was willing to take her with him, he had a daughter and son a few years younger than herself with him at the time and Calliope got along well with them both, and later met the same girl on her adventures and accompanied her for a few months, documenting her experiences to tell others along her way.
Calliope is an absolutely terrible cook, she could burn water and is permanently banned from any kitchen.

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full name.Kiva Morik
gender.cis male
sexual orientation.Unsure, strong preference for men.
occupation.Bartender, formerly stay at home father and tutor for aspiring swordsmen, once upon a time a Temple Knight

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Best Quality: Loyal to a fault, fiercely protective of those he surrounds himself with and not much phases him
Worst Quality: Comes across as dumb as a box of rocks, stupidly trusting and takes far more at face value than he should.

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current home.Ul'dah
pets.a rather old cat named mrs mittens
likes.Quiet evenings and stories, he enjoys hearing young adventurers talk of their tales and always encourages it at the bar he works in
dislikes.Disrespectful people and rough fabrics.
hobbies.Swordplay and physical labor, as odd as it sounds, he finds it relaxing and familiar. His newest hobbies are bartending and gardening.
skills.Kiva is a skilled swordsman and fighter, a talented chef and a good father, which he considers a skill.
hair.Dark grey with lighter ends, turning white at the temples a little.
eyes.A bright, almost glowing amber colour
height.7 foot 5 inches
build and appearance.Tall and strong, a little bit triangle shaped and quite built from training young swordsmen and his youth spent as a knight
attire.He prefers fairly plain clothing, shirts and jeans and hard wearing boots, he is a big fan of crop tops however.
personality.Kind, quiet and patient, Kiva doesnt usually have a lot to say but he does enjoy spending time with others

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Kiva has an 18/19 year old daughter who has recently set out on her own adventures
Kiva is a dedicated father and is experiencing a little bit of empty nester type feelings at the moment.
Him and his wife separated amicably after they both came out to eachother as preferring their own gender, and have done their best to raise their daughter lovingly and equally.
Kiva is woefully inexperienced when it comes to romance and tends to misinterpret things as platonic more often than not.
He married young, had a child young and then spent a good chunk of his life as a devoted father and teacher, and is only just experiencing the world outside of ishgard recently
He knows Ozza, as a frequent patron of the bar he works at and from frequent visits to the healers in Revenants Toll when training students outside of Ishgard.
They have a small fling going on, more for fun and de-stressing than anything serious, though Kiva is fiercely protective of him, as he is to all his friends